About Me

I grew up poring over everything from crossword puzzles to cereal boxes, Nancy Drew to Harvard Business Review

In preschool, as other kids skipped through Toys “R” Us, I beelined for the shelves of Barnes & Noble. 

At Princeton University, I won a “coolest word contest” with sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia (the medical term for a brain freeze).

I love words: discovering them, arranging them, rearranging them ad infinitum. But most of all, I love using them to share the extraordinary in the ordinary—and connect with strangers thousands of miles away.

As a writer, I've covered everything from software engineering to space exploration, entrepreneurship to environmentalism, higher ed to hiring, and farming to food delivery.

John McPhee once told me, “There are a million ways to start a story.”

This is mine.